

Satination or Acid Etching is a chemical treatment that lightly changes the bottle´s surface, giving it a matte, opaque appearance. This can be partial or total coverage of the bottle’s surface.

Vacuum Metallization

During vacuum metallization, metal particles are heated and stuck to the desired surface by vacuum, so that a high-gloss metal coating of various materials takes place. After cooling down, the applied coating remains as beautiful, shiny layer of different colors.

Laser Engraving

The laser engraving is as simple as printing. During the process, the laser beam impinges on the material, exposing it to a great deal of heat. Depending on the exposure time, the color changes and creates a contrast, or the material evaporates or burns. The resulting laser engraving is permanent and very resistant to abrasion.


Coating makes some fantastic looking effects possible. Using this technique it is also possible to produce high-gloss, metallic, vignette, gradients and other special effects you wouldn’t be able to create otherwise.

Hot Foil Stamping

Hot oil stamping means applying heat and pressure onto a type of foil until your design is embossed on the surface of bottle. The process uses dies to emboss the foil onto the surface of your product.

Silk Screen Printing

Screen printing is the process of pressing ink through a stenciled mesh screen to create a printed design.

Gold and Platinum

Same as Silk Screen Printing but with gold or platinum.


Under this technology, paint is exposed to ultraviolet light. This technique is used on the glass that is vulnerable to high temperatures.

Thermal Chrome

Thermal Chrome technology - chrome based paint changes the color depending on surrounding temperature conditions.


Decal is applied two ways - hot or cold. Hot decal implies baking the paint with glass at 500-600 degrees. Cold decal is suitable for glass that, for any reason, can not be baked or stand high temperature. This kind can also be applied with already coated product.


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